Logiqu Development Studios

Apps for iPhone, iPad and iPod touch


WinPointer is an application to navigate your presentations in a simple way. You can easily connect your iPhone to your Windows PC or notebook and then use your iPhone or iPod touch as a virtual laser pointer, so you can bring up the content closer to your audience. Just one tab on your screen will display a red point in your presenation. Switch easily between your slides or photos without doing it at your PC. This makes your pesentation fluently and avoids breaks.
WinPointer is comapatible with most of the known presentation programs (e.g. PowerPoint, Acrobar Reader, Open Office...), but you can also use it for photo shows or simple to show something without get up.
To connect the device over WiFi with your PC you just need to start the WinRemoteServer available here:

Download Server here
(Windows 95 / 98 / ME / 2000 / XP / Vista / 7 required)


- Connect easily to a windows PC in your network
- Use your iPhone or iPod touch as virtual laser pointer
- display a laser pointer wirelessly over WiFi
- Just start the WinRemote Server on the Desktop PC

Supported devices

  • iPhone
  • iPod touch

Setup your PC

1. Download the WinRemote Server Application on your Windows PC or notebook

2. Start the Server Application (you'll see the WinRemote icon in the taskbar next to the clock)

3. Now the WinRemote Server Application is Running
